Ashraf Vachhiat

Ashraf Vachhiat

Ashraf is the Marketing Technologist at Vital Consular, which means he handles all the technicalities involved in bringing this blog to life! He also enjoys creating in-depth articles around current affairs which impact the travel and relocation industry. In his free time, Ashraf relishes travelling as much as possible, and is always looking for quirky spots to take some great photos.
travel covid 19

Lockdown – Has it put people off travel and relocation?

Being in lockdown has affected everyone differently. With many people working from home, some people furloughed and others still on the front line, everyone has had to adapt. As travel restrictions have remained in place also, most holidays have been cancelled or postponed for the foreseeable future, but do people still want to travel after going through this pandemic, or has it put people off international travel and relocation completely?
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travel after covid

Travel After COVID-19 – What Will It Be Like?

With travel currently highly restricted across the globe, many are wondering what state the industry will be in once the Coronavirus epidemic is hailed to be over. With most people feeling the impact of the freeze in travel, and with many having to have holidays and other events cancelled, the travel companies themselves will be feeling anxious over the situation. Before you start planning or rescheduling your holidays, read our predictions on how the land will lie once the all-clear is given again.
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name on TEFL certificate

Does your name differ on your documents? Avoid them being rejected for legalisation

If you are having your documents legalised for use overseas, you may run into issues if your name differs between your document and your official ID. This could vary for a host of reasons, including marriage, divorce, Deed Poll or simply not including your full name. To avoid experiencing delays and additional costs, this article will help you understand how to prepare your paperwork for processing.
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coronavirus recruitment impact

Coronavirus – How the impact on teacher recruitment is evolving

With all of the headlines around the Coronavirus constantly filling up our news feeds, it's leaving many with more questions than answers and filling those who had planned to relocate with uncertainty. In our unique position, assisting people looking to move and travel around the globe, we are here to provide a balanced and informed view of the situation.
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Qatar Legalisation – Complete Guide To Education Documents

Legalising documents for use in Qatar is principally the same as for any other country. However, in 2016 there were additional requirements introduced to legalise degree certificates, and even now we still get supporting documents from universities that do not contain all the required specific information as it can be difficult navigating the potentially unclear guidelines to ensure we meet their specific requirements.
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engineering in kuwait

Document Requirements For The Engineering Sectors In Kuwait

Towards the end of 2019, a new set of requirements came into force for employees working in certain sectors in Kuwait. There are additional documents to be provided, which will be subject to Kuwait Legalisation, as well as mandatory society memberships. Work permit renewals are being rejected without the correct approvals.
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Getting A Job In China – Complete Guide To Paperwork

As a legalisation and visa company, we have extensive experience in helping clients with the paperwork required to obtain their dream jobs in China. We've been dealing with documentation for China since 2006, and our expertise in handling TEFL qualifications is unrivalled in the industry. Below, our team have put together a complete guide for you to the paperwork you will require to secure your new teaching position!
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dubai police clearance

Getting A UAE Police Clearance Certificate – The Complete Guide

If you previously lived in the United Arab Emirates and have since relocated to a new country, you will likely need to provide a UAE Police Clearance Certificate for your new residence permit or work visa. Obtaining these from overseas can be a pain, but it doesn't have to be complicated, as our Dubai team provides all the information you'll need.
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get a visa for a cruise

Planning A Cruise? Don’t Get Caught Out By Visa Requirements

Despite the UK having one of the strongest passports in the world, there are still countries which require a UK passport holder to obtain a pre-travel visa or travel authorisation to visit. With changes to travel requirements post-Brexit likely, and trips stopping at more destinations than ever, the likelihood of requiring at least one visa for a cruise is increasing.
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