Ashraf Vachhiat

Ashraf Vachhiat

Ashraf is the Marketing Technologist at Vital Consular, which means he handles all the technicalities involved in bringing this blog to life! He also enjoys creating in-depth articles around current affairs which impact the travel and relocation industry. In his free time, Ashraf relishes travelling as much as possible, and is always looking for quirky spots to take some great photos.
export documents uk

Ten Common Export Documents That Require Legalisation

Did you know that most export documents will require legalisation before you’re legally allowed to bring your goods into another country? A number of these documents exist and there are no end to the possible variations of document that exist across the world for moving goods from one country to the other. However, we’ve compiled a list of the ten most common ones below, to give you a head start and make sure you know the ins-and-outs of export document legalisation.
Continue Reading...Ten Common Export Documents That Require Legalisation
Ashraf Vital Interview

Staff Interviews – Ashraf Vachhiat

Welcome to the sixth in our series of staff interviews! Today we're talking to the interviewer himself, Ashraf Vachhiat! Ashraf has been working at Vital Certificates since January 2015, and regularly contributes posts to the blog. But his job role goes much further than that! Read on to find out more about Ashraf, what brought him to Vital, and how his role has evolved over the last few years.
Continue Reading...Staff Interviews – Ashraf Vachhiat
business awards 2016

Vital Certificates Named As Finalist In Amazon Growing Business Awards

We are proud to announce that Vital Certificates has been named a finalist in the 2016 Amazon Growing Business Awards. Nominated within the Triumph Over Adversity category, the company demonstrated its ability to both triple in size to revenues of over £1m, and expand internationally when it opened its first overseas branch in Dubai last year, despite trading through a formal insolvency arrangement.
Continue Reading...Vital Certificates Named As Finalist In Amazon Growing Business Awards
brexit a nation divided

Brexit – A Nation Divided

Woken up yet? It's been exactly one week since the Brexit votes were cast, and the nation still seems to be either in unperturbed shock or rampant celebration. David Cameron has resigned from his post, as have half the Labour Party, and a number of Conservative MP's have within the last two days announced their bid for the leadership, arguing over the best way to tear a divided nation from Europe.
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